ITP systems change guide | Climate Group Skip to main content

ITP Systems Change Guide.pdf

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Date added: 13/01/22

ITP systems change guide

Report 13 January 2022, 11:16 UTC

The Industry Transition Platform (ITP) brought together 11 highly industrialised state and regional governments from across Europe and North America to develop impactful and ambitious strategies for industry emissions reduction.

Over a two and a half year process, ITP was set up for governments to share and learn with and from each other as they developed their strategies, using a mix of strategy development workshops, technical research, webinars and site visits. The ITP strategy development process was underpinned by continuous stakeholder engagement activities, ensuring that the voices of different actors affected by industry emissions reduction are shaping the strategy.

This guide focuses on the ITP strategy development process – a system change-oriented approach which recognised the complexity of developing policy to reduce industry emissions. There is a wide field of system change frameworks and tools. ITP offers one example of taking a system change approach to strategy development.

The aim of the guide is to share the principles, frameworks and tools that ITP participants used to help develop their strategies. Use it as a reference document, a lived experience of driving climate action, an inspiration and a thought-starter to help understand a challenge and develop a strategy to address it within your context. The tools and templates were developed with reference to industry emissions reduction, but they can be applied to other systems such as transport or energy.


ITP Systems Change Guide.pdf

Size: 72.81 MB

Date added: 13/01/22