Japan and the global transition to zero emission vehicles ゼロエミッション車に向かう世界の中の日本 | Climate Group Skip to main content
Japan and the global transition to ZEVs

Japan and the global transition to zero emission vehicles ゼロエミッション車に向かう世界の中の日本

4 March 2022, 10:37 UTC

(日本語の文章はページ下部にあります )

Japan is the third largest automotive manufacturing nation in the world and boasts one of the largest automotive markets, surpassed in size only by the United States and China. 

Japan is also the world’s second-largest car exporter, behind Germany, supplying nearly 13% of passenger vehicles around the world in 2019.

As such, the automotive industry is vital for the Japanese economy, constituting around 18.8% of all manufacturing in Japan, with cars and car products the nation’s largest exports. That's why it's so important that they are part of the transition to EVs.

This fiscal year, we have commissioned research and held an event to discuss Japan Inc’s future in the automotive world. This research is now available below, in both English and Japanese. 





2021年度、Climate Group は「株式会社日本」が自動車産業において将来どのような道を辿るべきかについて研究調査を依頼し、関連イベントを開催いたしました。以下に掲載したこの研究成果は、日英二カ国語でご覧いただけます。

Research summery 



ゼロエミッション車に 向かう世界の中の日本

Size: 8.73 MB

Date added: 04/03/22


Japan and the Global Transition to Zero Emission Vehicles

Size: 19.71 MB

Date added: 04/03/22

Research reports


Why a rapid transition to EVs is necessary for the future of Japan

Masato Inoue, Design & Consulting, Green Mobility Partners

なぜ急速なEV化が日本の未来に必要なのか ーハイブリッド全盛の日本への警鐘ー



なぜ急速なEV化が日本の未来に必要なのか ーハイブリッド全盛の日本への警鐘ー Why a rapid transition to EVs is necessary for the future of Japan

Size: 7 MB

Date added: 24/02/22

Current status and future of ZEVs in Japan

Kenichiro Wada, President and Founder, Japan Electrification Research Institute


株式会社日本電動化研究所 代表取締役 和田憲一郎


日本に於ける環境対応車の現状と将来に対する提言 Current status and future of ZEVs in Japan

Size: 4.5 MB

Date added: 24/02/22



Why a rapid transition to EVs is necessary for the future of Japan

Masato Inoue, Design & Consulting, Green Mobility Partners

なぜ急速なEV化が日本の未来に必要なのか ーハイブリッド全盛の日本への警鐘ー



なぜ急速なEV化が日本の未来に必要なのか ーハイブリッド全盛の日本への警鐘ー Why a rapid transition to EVs is necessary for the future of Japan

Size: 7.35 MB

Date added: 11/01/22

Current status and future of ZEVs in Japan

Kenichiro Wada, President and Founder, Japan Electrification Research Institute


株式会社日本電動化研究所 代表取締役 和田憲一郎


日本に於ける環境対応車の現状と将来 Current status and future of ZEVs in Japan

Size: 1.37 MB

Date added: 11/01/22

Electric power transition to zero emissions and the use of EVs

Tomoiko Ikeya


電力中央研究所 池谷 知彦


電力のゼロエミッション化と電気自動車の活用 Electric power transition to zero emissions and the use of EVs

Size: 1.96 MB

Date added: 11/01/22